Jumat, 09 Januari 2015

Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy

Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy or surgery can be done by Ace maxs drugs, these drugs have content that may dampen the growth of tumor cells and the tumor cell death.

Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy


Ace maxs a solution treatment of brain tumors in addition to chemotherapy are made from traditional ingredients include mangosteen peel extract and soursop leaf extract, both natural products have been selected as the main ingredient maxs Ace drug because it has a lot of content that are beneficial to health, including to help cure tumors the brain.

Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy with Ace maxs

In the mangosteen peel Xanthones are substances, this substance plays an important role in the treatment of brain tumors because, according to Dr. Agung Nugroho Endro, MSi, Substances xanthones have some xanthone derivative compounds such as alpha-mangostin, gamma-mangostin and also garsinon-E, all the xanthone derivative compounds in the know have pharmacological effects and derivation of xanthones are proven to reduce the growth of tumor cells from spreading and growing. A researcher from Japan named Yukihiro Akao also said that one of the xanthone derivatives, namely Alpha-mangostin is able to destroy cancer cells by a mechanism called apoptosis. Xanthone derivative compounds also in trust can activate the immune system to fight cancer cells are dangerous.

And for soursop leaves are natural antitumor compounds called Compounds Acetogenins, based on the results of studies that have been conducted in the US by The National Cancer Institute says that compounds capable of damaging tissue Acetogenins tumor cells and kill the tumor cells along with a source of energy, thus tumor cells will not get the supply of energy to continue to grow and develop so as to make the tumor cells become weak and easier to remove.

From the explanations that have been mentioned above indicate that the drug content Ace maxs is very effective to help overcome the tumor, and treatment of brain tumors in addition to chemotherapy dengam Ace maxs are very appropriate. For those of you who are interested want to get this medication only please message us, we implemented a system GOODS TO NEW PAY so with so you do not have to worry if you want to book Ace maxs to us.

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  • List Price Ace Maxs

1 btl 350ml
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne *
2 btl 350ml
Rp. 10.000,-
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne *
3 btl 350ml
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6 btl 350ml
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Similarly, an article about treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy hopefully this article can be useful. Greetings Ace maxs healthy joint. Link Source http://obattradisional.kankerrahim.info/1556/pengobatan-tumor-otak-selain-kemoterapi/


Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy

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