Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

PSK mirip kim kardashian di razia satpol PP

PSK mirip kim kardashian di razia satpol PP

PSK mirip kim kardashian di razia satpol PP ? Dalam razia semalam yang dilakukan oleh satpol PP terjaring banyak sekali wantia penghibur yang sedang mangkal. Tapi yang menari dari razia semalam adalah adanya salah satu PSK yang mirip Kim kardashian. Berikut adalah foto yang berhasil diambil saat razia itu terjadi.

PSK mirip kim kardashian di razia satpol PP

Setelah diteliti lebih lanjut lagi, tenyata foto yang beredar didunia maya itu palsu, itu adalah hasil editan Agan Harahap yang benar-benar luarbiasa dan lucu... :D

Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

Batu cincin untuk kelahiran bulan oktober

Batu cincin untuk kelahiran bulan oktober

Batu cincin untuk kelahiran bulan oktober sebaiknya memakai batu opal atau kalimaya, karena batu ini menempati di urutan ke delapan. Komposisinya pun agak sederhana yaitu kiezelzuur dan air dan bermacam-macam logam yang menyebabkan batu opal memantulkan beraneka ragam warna.

Batu cincin untuk kelahiran bulan oktober

Batu opal dijadikan batu khusus atau batu yang cocok untuk batu kelahiran bulan October (sama halnya dengan bunga calendula) dan pemberian di hari peringatan perkawinan yang ke 14. Dalam dunia astrology atau perbintangan batu opal dihubungkan dengan zodiac Libra dan Scorpio.

Itulah Batu cincin untuk kelahiran bulan oktober, semoga artikel ini bermanfaat.

Batu cincin untuk kelahiran bulan oktober

Artikel lainyya :

Rabu, 14 Januari 2015

Ciri batu kecubung yang asli

Ciri batu kecubung yang asli

Ciri batu kecubung yang asli sangat perlu anda ketahui, terutama jika anda hendak ingin membeli batu kecubung wulung yang satu ini. Batu kecubung atau ametis merupakan jenis batuan mineral kuarsa. Batu kecubung merupakan batu lahir bagi seseorang yang lahir di bulan Februari.

Batu kecubung biasanya berwarna ungu sampai merah muda. Dalam sejarah, ungu merupakan warna yang digunakan oleh raja, ratu, dan anggota keluarga kerajaan lain. Karena itulah, para penguasa sering memiliki berlian yang terbuat dari batu kecubung. Untuk mengetahui batu kecubung asli atau ketahuilah Ciri batu kecubung yang asli seperti berikut ini.

Ciri batu kecubung yang asli

  • Batu kecubung yang asli kalau dipegang terasa berat dan keras
  • Kalau terkena cahaya dia akan tembus dan warnanya beragam.
  • Mempunyai tingkat kekerasarn 7 dalam skala Mohs
  • Tidak mudah gores
  • Jika diteteskan dengan air,air tsb akan menggumpal di atas batu akik ini
Itulah beberapa Ciri batu kecubung yang asli, terima kasih atas perhatian dan kunjungan anda diblog kami, semoga artikel ini bisa menambah wawasan anda tentang batu kecubung. Baca juga artikel lainnya tentang khasiat Ace maxs .

Ciri batu kecubung yang asli

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Three Finnish citizens deported from Cambodia because riding a motorcycle while naked

Three Finnish citizens deported from Cambodia because riding a motorcycle while naked

Three Finnish citizens deported from Cambodia because riding a motorcycle while naked, they are considered to break the tradition and culture of Cambodia beautiful.

Three Finnish citizens deported from Cambodia because riding a motorcycle while naked

Quoted from Dailymail, Monday, January 12, 2015, three foreigners, among others, Crawford Bworn (24) of the UK, Giancarlo Allocca (30) from Italy, and a woman 22 years old from Finland, Catarina Aarnio.All three take off clothing, while riding a motorcycle in the District Leuk Deok, 50 miles from Phnom Penh. "We saw them driving in front of the police station. I asked the clerk to follow and stop them," said police called Chuon Chomkol. However, the foreigners were not immediately stopped when the police chase, because it does not feel any wrongdoing. Kandal police chief, Eav Chamroen, said that this was the first time that a foreigner riding a motorcycle without clothes in Cambodia.

Their actions are serious violations of the integrity of Cambodia. We can not let them do this kind of pornography in our country," said Sok Phal, the head of the immigration department of the Ministry of Interior of Cambodia. In addition to the deportation, the Caucasians were also banned from visiting again to Cambodia permanently.

Three Finnish citizens deported from Cambodia because riding a motorcycle while naked

Older Post : Obat herbal stroke

Senin, 12 Januari 2015

The Black box or Flight Data Recorder (FDR) AirAsia QZ8501 been found

The Black box or Flight Data Recorder (FDR) AirAsia QZ8501 been found

The Black box or Flight Data Recorder (FDR) AirAsia QZ8501 been found by a team of Navy divers from the ship of State (KN) Jadayat on Sunday (11/1) yesterday. Originally KN Jadayat capture ping signal from the object is suspected black box. Then a team of divers ensure the existence of such tools on the seabed.

The Black box or Flight Data Recorder (FDR) AirAsia QZ8501 been found

Once checked divers, it turns out the object that was thrown under the FDR flake aircraft wing. FDR diver could not raise the same day and only marked because of the current conditions. Finally, orange tool was appointed team of Navy divers on Monday (12/1) at 7:11 am this morning.
Basarnas Indonesia has submitted FDR serial number 2100-4043-02 Pn-Sn-000 556 583 nd it to the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) for later reading.
Older Post : Obat gagal ginjal

The Black box or Flight Data Recorder (FDR) AirAsia QZ8501 been found 

Jumat, 09 Januari 2015

Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy

Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy or surgery can be done by Ace maxs drugs, these drugs have content that may dampen the growth of tumor cells and the tumor cell death.

Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy


Ace maxs a solution treatment of brain tumors in addition to chemotherapy are made from traditional ingredients include mangosteen peel extract and soursop leaf extract, both natural products have been selected as the main ingredient maxs Ace drug because it has a lot of content that are beneficial to health, including to help cure tumors the brain.

Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy with Ace maxs

In the mangosteen peel Xanthones are substances, this substance plays an important role in the treatment of brain tumors because, according to Dr. Agung Nugroho Endro, MSi, Substances xanthones have some xanthone derivative compounds such as alpha-mangostin, gamma-mangostin and also garsinon-E, all the xanthone derivative compounds in the know have pharmacological effects and derivation of xanthones are proven to reduce the growth of tumor cells from spreading and growing. A researcher from Japan named Yukihiro Akao also said that one of the xanthone derivatives, namely Alpha-mangostin is able to destroy cancer cells by a mechanism called apoptosis. Xanthone derivative compounds also in trust can activate the immune system to fight cancer cells are dangerous.

And for soursop leaves are natural antitumor compounds called Compounds Acetogenins, based on the results of studies that have been conducted in the US by The National Cancer Institute says that compounds capable of damaging tissue Acetogenins tumor cells and kill the tumor cells along with a source of energy, thus tumor cells will not get the supply of energy to continue to grow and develop so as to make the tumor cells become weak and easier to remove.

From the explanations that have been mentioned above indicate that the drug content Ace maxs is very effective to help overcome the tumor, and treatment of brain tumors in addition to chemotherapy dengam Ace maxs are very appropriate. For those of you who are interested want to get this medication only please message us, we implemented a system GOODS TO NEW PAY so with so you do not have to worry if you want to book Ace maxs to us.

  • To order simply done by sending an SMS with the following format
AZ-ACX: Order Number: Name: Mailing Address: no.hp / Phone. Send To 082,126,444,770

"Mandatory include AZ-ACX format in each SMS booking, because the format AZ-ACX is produ code, if the SMS booking without formatting AZ-ACX, the reservation will not be entertained."


AZ-ACX: 6 Bottle: Juju: Jl. Eagle, No. 12, RT 01 / RW 05. district. Kawalu, Majalengka: Hp. 085312210XXX. 
and send to 082,126,444,770
  • List Price Ace Maxs

1 btl 350ml
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne *
2 btl 350ml
Rp. 10.000,-
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne *
3 btl 350ml
Rp. 30.000,-
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne *
6 btl 350ml
Rp. 1.320.000,- Rp. 160.000,-
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne *
Rp. 1.160.000,-
10 Bottle Ace maxs only Rp.1.660.000, - only
Similarly, an article about treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy hopefully this article can be useful. Greetings Ace maxs healthy joint. Link Source http://obattradisional.kankerrahim.info/1556/pengobatan-tumor-otak-selain-kemoterapi/


Treatment of brain tumors without chemotherapy

Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

Treatment of appendicitis without surgery

Treatment of appendicitis without surgery

Treatment of appendicitis without surgery has become a classic question, but not a few people who still do not know it turns out appendicitis can be cured without having to operat namely by taking herbs Ace maxs. Ace maxs is a traditional herb that can help overcome the problem of the appendix, these drugs are made from natural ingredients that are safe without side effects. Message Ace maxs now GOODS TO NEW TRANSFER PAYMENTS only valid for bookings of 3 bottles down.

Treatment of appendicitis without surgery by consuming Ace maxs

Treatment of appendicitis without surgery with Ace maxs can cure appendicitis because in medicine, there are a wide variety of content that is very beneficial for health, one of which is the substance xanthones. Substance xanthones very important role for the treatment of appendicitis because it is able to overcome the infection of the appendix and eliminate inflammation of the appendix. As already known the appendix is a serious health problem and should not be allowed, this disease occurs due to infection and inflammation that attacks the appendix. Besides substance xanthones can also protect cells and organs in the body due to its nature as a powerful antioxidant. With a very strong antioxidant properties of xanthones substances can maintain and protect the cells and organs in the body from viruses, free radicals and bad bacteria that can cause infection of the appendix.

From the above explanation shows that the content of this maxs Ace herbal medicine is very effective to help overcome the problem of appendicitis, and now the question about Do appendix can be cured without surgery had already missed. Treatment of appendicitis without surgery by consuming Ace maxs ? For those of you who want to get this drug, please message us by sending an SMS as follows:

  • Cara Pemesanan Ace Maxs Via SMS

AZ-USB : Jumlah Pemesanan : Nama : Alamat Lengkap : Nomor Hp.

lalu kirim ke 082.126.444.770

“Wajib cantumkan kode AZ-USB Di setiap SMS pemesanan karena kode AZ-USB adalah kode produk di tempat kami. Jika SMS pemesanan tanpa format AZ-USB maka dengan terpaksa kami tidak bisa melayani pemesanan anda”

Contoh :

AZ-USB : 6 Botol : Dadan : Jln. Pengadilan, No 3. RT 01/RW 05, Kec. Bantar sari, Kota Banjar: 081323xxxxxx.

lalu kirim ke 082.126.444.770

  • List Price Ace Maxs
Pembelian Harga Retail Discount Ongkos kirim Harga Net
1 btl 350ml
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne *
2 btl 350ml
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne *
3 btl 350ml
Rp. 30.000,-
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne*
6 btl 350ml
Rp.1.320.000,- Rp.160.000,-
Sesuai Tarif Tiki Jne *

Want to order Ace maxs at a low price? Easy, you can mendaptakan Ace maxs the price Rp.160.000, perbotol but with the proviso ordering 10 bottles. If anyone would like to ask please contact us at the number 085,220,295,364, hopefully this article useful and get well. Link source http://obat-herbalstroke.web.id/apakah-usus-buntu-bisa-disembuhkan-tanpa-operasi/

Treatment of appendicitis without surgery