Facts behind the crash AirAsia QZ 8501 that crashed in Indonesian Borneo strait slowly began to unfold, A week already AirAsia QZ8501 imminent tragedy. The search for the fuselage and the alleged victims lost at sea waters Karimata Strait, Central Kalimantan, continue to be optimized.
Facts behind the crash AirAsia QZ 8501

The incident was even attracted the attention of a number of countries. Starting from Singapore, Russia, America, Malaysia, South Korea, to Japan. All involved searching the Airbus 320-200 carrying 155 passengers and seven crew this. Moreover, rumors circulated that the flight route Singapore-Changi Juanda is one of the most safe and comfortable for the pilots. "Like a toll road, the route most comfortable," said the Special Staff of the Minister of Transportation Hadi Mustafa Djuraid.
"Genesis of the crash at this point is the first time in the history of aviation in Indonesia," he said, continuing.
The accident sparked some speculation about the chronology of the crash. However, one thing is clear, all this will be revealed when the black box flight data recorder that stores and cockpit voice recordings found. Here are some facts about the chronology of the crash AirAsia QZ8501, you deserve to know:
"Genesis of the crash at this point is the first time in the history of aviation in Indonesia," he said, continuing.
The accident sparked some speculation about the chronology of the crash. However, one thing is clear, all this will be revealed when the black box flight data recorder that stores and cockpit voice recordings found. Here are some facts about the chronology of the crash AirAsia QZ8501, you deserve to know:
Facts behind the crash AirAsia QZ 8501

1. Schedule aircraft originally flew with Singapore's goal is at 7:20 pm on Sunday, December 28, 2014. However, management becomes advance schedule at 05:36, via electronic mail announcements sent to 155 passengers.
2. After takeoff, approximately 30 minutes of flight, manned aircraft pilot and copilot Remi irianto Emmanuel was asked to shift to the left as far as seven miles of track. "Demand it (shift left) has been confirmed and approved by ATC (Air Traffic Control) in Ujung Pandang and known by the ATC Jakarta," said General Manager of ATC Soekarno Hatta, Budi Hendro.
3. Shortly after that, the pilot again asked high-level changes to fly. Originally with a height of 32 thousand feet to 38 thousand feet. Demand it without reason. Though the new plane trip 50 nautical miles. At that time, the plane was in a position of authority limits ATC Makassar Makassar and Jakarta.
4. Changes in the level of the fly immediately responded ATC Jakarta for further coordinated with ATC Makassar and Singapore. However, because the dense air traffic, namely GIA320 at an altitude of 35 thousand feet, AWQ502 38 thousand feet, GIA602 35 thousand feet, UAE409 36 thousand feet, LNI626 37 thousand feet, LNI 763 34 thousand feet and GIA531 36 thousand feet.
Thus, changes in level flight at an altitude of only approved for 34 thousand feet or under LNI 626 in flight QZ8501 crossed over at 37 thousand feet altitude. "The height of 34 thousand feet is the height of the safest that we consider. Aircraft can still move freely and not interfere with other aircraft flying in the same day," said General Manager of ATC Soekarno Hatta, Budi Hendro.
5. Changes to fly into a higher level requested AirAsia QZ8501 is a regular request. No emergency signal when requesting the change. "At first we thought it was just a pilot level of economic demand alone. Or fly the most convenient height of the pilot. For nothing once the emergency signal and the pilot reported reasons when asked to raise the level of fly," said Director of Housing Organizing Institute of Air Navigation Services Indonesia (LPPNPI ) or AirNav Indonesia, Bambang Thahjono.
6. According to former Airbus 330 pilot, Megi H Helmadi, generally demand raise fly higher level is often carried out by the pilot. It was intended to save fuel consumption and reduce air turbulence. "The higher we fly, the aircraft will be more efficient. Turbulence is also very small, so we are more comfortable to fly," said Megi.
7. According to Megi, corresponding flight procedures, when severe weather conditions are not allowed for a pilot to increase the aircraft's altitude. Pilots can only do a shift to the left or right or lower the height. "If there is a sudden weather deviations, the pilot should just slide it to the left, to the right, or down. Not to be rising, it has become the procedure," he said.
8. The tragedy occurred. Promptly at 7:14 pm, or about 1 hour 15 minute journey, the plane was reported missing contact. The loss of the status of AirAsia QZ8501 shortly after flight level change requests from 32 thousand to 34 thousand feet approved ATC Jakarta. "We tried to contact up to eight times to AirAsia QZ8501. But no audible response," said GM ATC Soekarno Hatta, Budi Hendro.
9. Since reportedly lost contact, never once heard an emergency signal, either from the Emergency Locater Transmitter (ELT) and of Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) from QZ8501. So is the signal 'PING' of black box. Until the seventh day of the search, Saturday, January 3rd, 2015, the signal has not been caught by the search team.
"Until now there has been no ping signal captured from the black box. We continued to pursue his quest as optimally as possible," said Head of the National SAR Maresekal TNI Associate F Henry Bambang Soelistyo on Saturday.
10. Tuesday, December 30, 2014, approximately at 14:49, the National Search and Rescue Agency report has found a number of pieces of the aircraft and six suspected victims AirAsia floating in the sea waters of the Strait of Karimata. Until well into the seventh day of the search, January 3, a total of 30 victims already terevakuasi and brought to the Juanda Airport in Surabaya.
11. Friday, January 2nd, 2015, at approximately 23:40, a joint search and rescue team found two large objects under the sea, with a size of 9.4 x 4.8 x 0.4 meters. Allegedly this object is part of the fuselage.
12. Furthermore, on Saturday, January 3rd, at 5:43 rediscovered a large object about the size of 7.2 x 0.9 x 0.4 meters. Furthermore, at 13:30 in the form of an object measuring 18 x 5.4 x 2.2 meters and at 14:25 with an object the size of 12.4 x 0.6 x 0.5 meters.
"In total there are four large objects found at the site of the search priority. But we have not been able to describe what the object's shape. It is estimated that four major part of AirAsia aircraft," said Chief Basarnas Soelistyo.
13. Maze cause of the crash AirAsia, a serious concern of government. Surabaya-Singapore routes AirAsia was frozen. Even the Ministry of Transportation will conduct a special investigation. First about the new weather report leh AirAsia took over the scene and the second about flight schedules submitted earlier than it should.
"We will investigate this. In the next week we try to existing bright spot," said the Special Staff of the Minister of Transportation Hadi Mustafa Djuraid.
Source, http://acemaxs.1keputihan.info/
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